Designing signs is our hobby. The logo is the shortest story told without words and that must look good. We design them on grid systems, which makes them timeless and resists the passing trends. We design a lot of logos and signs, which makes us proud and we are looking forward to the next such orders. It is always a combination of creativity and function. It has to be recognizable, unique and simple – just interesting for customers. That’s what we do.

Ziemann Home Decor logo project

Magdalena Wójcik – gynecologist logo project

SOT logo project

Bat logo project

esopot.pl logo project

Cafe Creator logo project

Synthelio logo project

Skantrade logo project

Plandex logo project

PKS Gdańsk logo project

Concept brand logo project

Ziemann Home Decor logo project

Małgorzata Plichta – Chudecka – architect logo project

Synthelio logo project

Way5 logo project

Necon logo project