Atelier Silk Epoque was created out of love for silk. The owner – Olga Ziemann created a place of her dreams inspired by travels and nature.

In the Silk Epoque by Olga Ziemann boutique we can buy unique clothing – everyday and going out – made of silk imported from Asia and Italy as well as hand-painted silk lampshades.

Our studio was asked to design a website and catalog which over time turned into an e-commerce store. Designing on beautiful and sublime photos by photographers from Nakanimamasakhlisi Photo LAB was “Bao roll with avocado”. Our design goal was to highlight a beautiful product on a modernly designed “hanger” taking into account all the conditions of modern technology.


We pay attention to ensuring that the websites we design and implement are fully responsive and adapted to all browsers. We use the latest technologies and knowledge to code all pages.

Studio Graficzne Gdańsk, Sopot, Trójmiasto
+48 578 086 729
ul. Goyki 3, Sopot

atrakcje sopot
Gdańsk Gdynia Trójmiasto Warszawa