We specialize in design of visual identities for companies and institutions. We know how to do it to catch an eye of your potential customers.

We are connected with Gdańsk – here we have an office and here we do what we like best – we design. We create them from the concept of the entire visual language, to the logo / sign, letterhead, business cards, patterns offer, envelopes, to the book of mark and the book of Visual Identification. These books are nothing more than documents which describe the rules of using the trademark and identification, that is, a file in which is everything about your future brand, orderly and rational.

We also select refinements and papers, we have a lot of samples of beautiful business cards, paper templates and special solutions that we will gladly present at an inspirational meeting.

We design, not manufacture.
#visual_identification #graphic_identification #design # gdańsk #gdynia #warszawa

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key visual plakat Gosia Macioch kampania profrekwencyjna
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key visual projektowanie graficzne nowoczesny layout Gdańsk
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projekt znaku studio brandingowi trojmiasto
projekt nowy znak Uniwersytet Gdański Studio Spectro
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sygnet logo projekt streetcrew branding

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